After several months of reflection, Vincent and I are pleased to announce that we are officially creating DATA SEO LABS, a training course dedicated to Data SEO (Data Science + SEO).
Why this training? Who is it intended for? When does it take place? Where? What’s the program? Answers below.

If you have been following us for a few months, you have not been able to miss an important evolution in our job. In recent years, Google has included artificial intelligence in its search engine. You’ve probably heard of Rankbrain, the tip of the iceberg. Since the introduction of Deep Learning in its search engine, Google has become more powerful but the way its algorithms are working is increasingly opaque : some people talk about a black box.
Many SEO experts agree: SEO is perhaps currently experiencing its greatest revolution and we must adapt. We invite you to reread the AI cycles written with Gregory Florin, Julien Deneuville, Aurélien Berrut, Kévin Richard, Raphaël Doucet, David Carles, Christian Meline, Anthony Técher, Yann Sauvageon, Aysun Akarsu, Vincent Terrasi, Sylvain Peyronnet and Olivier Andrieu (Sorry, posts are in french for now but I will soon translate them…)
- Le cycle des IA 1 : Exploiter la big data pour le SEO
- Le cycle des IA 2 : Stratégies SEO pour faire face à l’IA
- Le cycle des IA 3 : 2022, quel futur pour le SEO ?
With Vincent, we are convinced that the reinvention of SEO will require an update of what we know and take for granted: Here comes the “Next Level” SEO.
For several years, we have been studying Google in depth (SERP, Google Bot, ranking factors, etc.) and our reverse engineering strategy has led us to make incredible discoveries, especially on ranking factors and the behavior of Google Bots.
As strong open source philosophy advocates, we shared most of it with you on Twitter (@RemiBacha) and at the various conferences we had the chance to give this year: OVH Summit, Que Du Web, SEO Campus.
Our conference at the OVH Summit 2017 “OVH’s development towards Data Science SEO” was conceived as a review of our latest discoveries and showed what we imagined for the future.
There is a famous Chinese proverb that says “when a man is hungry, it is better to teach him to fish than to give him a fish”. By showing our discoveries in ..our last conferences, we have given fish. Many of you have asked us for details, to know our methods, our tools… With the creation of DATA SEO LABS, our training, we want to take a step forward in sharing.
Data SEO Training
Thanks to the use of data science, APIs, big data, machine learning and programming, we have revolutionized the way we do SEO and this is what we will offer today our training..
Our goal is not to make you a data scientist or a developer. We want to give you a data science culture, reflexes and best practices so that you take new habits, and gradually learn how to eliminate the empiricism of your strategies to move towards “data-driven” SEO (strategy directed by the data and not the assumptions).
Data SEO Labs training is mostly practical. You will manipulate data and learn with practical works and real business cases and real business case uses to create your first R script, use an API or make predictions using the machine learning.
Our challenge is to open this training to everyone, whatever your technical level: web analysts, project managers, product managers, SEO professionals. To allow you to progress quickly, english sessions of the Data SEO training will take place in a very small group with a maximum of 10 persons.
The training will last 2 days. It will take place in Paris and will have a session in French and a session in English.

2 days to discover the machine learning, data science, web scraping uses cases for SEO.
See the date of the next training session